Dickerson Lab
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Welcome to the Dickerson Laboratory

The Dickerson lab currently focuses on three general research areas in sarcomas and head and neck cancer: 1) identification of drug resistant cell populations; 2) understanding the drug resistance mechanisms used by the identified cell populations; and 3) developing strategies to target these mechanisms. While our departmental home is in Veterinary Clinical Sciences at the College of Veterinary Medicine on the University of Minnesota St. Paul campus, the laboratory is located in the Masonic Cancer Center (MCC) on the Minneapolis campus. Our home department and our physical location within the MCC allows us the unique opportunity to integrate our studies in cancer research into both human and veterinary medicine, providing a comparative oncology approach. Visit the Research and Publications sections of our website to learn more about our research program.

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Masonic Cancer Center
Mayo Mail Code 806
420 Delaware Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Contact Info
Phone: (612) 625-0365
Email: edickers@umn.edu